I'm dotDAWsome, but you can just call me dawn, actually! I'm mainly a visual digital artist who aspires to be an animator and coder with her own sizable community. And speaking of coding...THIS SITE'S FULL OF IT!!!
I mostly know just the very basics of HTML/CSS, but I do hope I'm able to make a really cool looking site in the future!!
This site get's updated & polished at a consistent rate; so you may see a subject has moved, changed, or is new every now and then!
PLE:AD AU rambling (INCOMPLETE!! Not much info!)
Find me elsewhere (+ other thingamajigs)
Graphics I found (INCOMPLETE!! Does not include all the graphics I can add)
Newly added updates to the site; self explanatory.
Updates that may or may not be added in the future.
My (outdated) site button
(Resize the height to 31! I animated it in capcut and it made it larger than i planned... idgaf if you hotlink but i would like it if you uploaded it to ur own site's files)
@000 • 2024